I have always been thankful but within the last two year's I have incorporated a gratitude practice into my daily life. Every morning no matter what the weather is I step outside to give thanks.
I say Thank you for my health cause with all my health disorders I know how lucky I am to not only to be alive but to be able to live independently, do physical activities like yoga, hiking. and so on.
I say Thank you for my wealth cause being disabled income dose not always come easy. However if you use the power of your mind you are to create opportunities just make sure you take advantage of them when they arise.
I say Thank you for my for family and friends for their constant support.
I say Thank you for my spiritual teachers who without them my business would not be where it is at today. Also, for their wisdom on ego, aura's and everything spiritual.
I say Thank you to the universe for without it we would not be here to enjoy life.
Practicing gratitude every day not only allows me to become thankful for the thing's I already have but also keeps me grounded in present moment. You may choose to say them out loud like I do or you can write them down, either way gratitude is key component to everyday mindfulness.