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Hi! My Name is Bryan


I'm the Founder of Be Present Lifestyle

My journey to mindfulness and meditation is a unique one. I was born with a very rare disorder called Propionic Acidemic. “Propionic Acidemia” is a genetic disorder in which the body is unable to process certain parts of protein and lipids (fats) properly.  It is classified as an Organic Acid Disorder, which is a condition that leads to an abnormal build up of particular acids known as “Organic Acids”


I was in and out of the hospital many, many times In my younger years. At the age of three I had a Metabolic Stroke. I spent four days in a coma. My doctors said I would never walk or talk. With a lot of luck and a lot of determination, I recovered relatively well, although my dexterity has been affected.


Due to the Propionic Acidemia,  I also have Cardiomyopathy and stage 2 Kidney failure. Unrelated to my Propionic, I was also diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2012.

The Lyme Disease combined with the Propionic Acidemia really started to get to me. I would consistently get flare-ups. My ammonia levels would Sky rocket, which would leave me either in bed or in the hospital. After years of having No solution, I was about to give up.


I then found Mindfulness and Meditation. The True meaning of what it means to be In the Present moment!  See…… I was in this constant state of worrying about my health, among other things. What I realized was, taking time to Meditate allows us to give ourselves time to give our thinking mind a break. Who knew that just focusing on your breath could be so life-changing.


Since I have found Mindfulness and Meditation, my pain, health, and mindset have improved Significantly . I’ve learned that we can not dwell on the past. We can only learn from it. We can not worry about the future. We can only dictate it by what we do in the present moment. I know for a fact, that this Journey has change my life. I am confident it can change your life as well.


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Byran is hands down the most amazing human being I have ever met in my life. I was fortunate enough to grow up with him and spend our entire childhood together. It's been incredible to watch his journey as he grows and the impact he has on stay positive in this world.

Jim Lazorik

Explore Mindfulness With Me

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